Section: Dissemination


Participants : Jean-Christophe Bach, Pierre-Etienne Moreau.

Jean-Christophe Bach participated to scientific mediation by proposing several activities to demonstrate the algorithmic thinking at the core of the Computer Science without requiring any computer or even electric devices. These activities are the first part of the CSIRL (Computer Science In Real Life) project which aims to popularize computer science and to initiate children, school students and non-scientists into this domain. These activities were presented during the high school students welcome at LORIA and Inria - Nancy Grand Est, and also during APMEP (http://www.apmep.asso.fr/ ) days. Jean-Christophe Bach also took part to the “Fête de la science” in October.

Jean-Christophe Bach was also involved in popularization activities with Interstices (http://interstices.info ) by writing short debunking articles (“Idées reçues”) for non computer scientists about Church's thesis and Turing's work [15] . Other popularization articles are still under work.

Pierre-Etienne Moreau gave two lectures about “Robotics and Programming” in the ISN course (Informatique et Science du Numérique), in order to help professors of “classes de terminale” to teach this discipline.

Pierre-Etienne Moreau organized a three day course about “Algorithms, Programming and Databases” in order to help professors of “classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles” to teach this discipline.